
Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Hello again...
Gosh how time has escaped me this week... lots of things on, got very busy creating a new style tandem pushchair.  Well my blog has reached the 50 followers mark and so it is time to declare the winner of my giveaway. The giveaway was for two little covered books, a necklace, a cup, saucer, plate and cupcake and some old letters.

The winner is


 Send me your address Drora and  shall forward your minis to you shortly.

Friday, 8 March 2013

Transfers and stove

Hello mini friends…

The caravan is moving forward… I decided against adding the wheels yet because I thought I may break them when trying to kit out the interior.  So I continued with my transfers. 

As you can see they look quite effective but they didn’t stand out enough so I roughly painted the top face of the (fake) wood trim and this worked better.  I’ve learned a lot about transfers and making your own etc, learned more about how to attach them too.  I remember using transfers as a child and it was fairly easy but when making something so small, there is much more intricacy involved.  

I popped on the door frames inside and out.

Next I decided I’d tackle the slightly daunting task of gluing on tiles around the stove area. 

The tiles I made by printing photo paper tiles, gluing it onto card (you have to love the versatility of card lol) then I painstakingly and carefully cutting out each one. 

I began to glue them in place making sure they were not too neat but not too untidy either. 

Some of the gaps around the stove were a bit fiddly but I got there, easy to cut card to fit ;)

And here it is finished…

 We'll soon be on the fun bit of interior decorating very soon :)

Well, I'm off to make prams, see you soon.
Gill x